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Subaru Legacy RHD a '01 (TZ1A4Z), A/T


Engine:           EJ25 2,5 L / 4 cyl / Gas, Fuel: Fuel Injection, Mileage: 93519 km, Frame: BH9 - 053508

Symptoms:     Continuously flashing lampe "POWER" on Instrumental Panel (after Engine is ON). In Memory ECM and TCM no codes were stored during this episode (Check Engine Lamp is OFF if Engine ON).

A/T Mode Selector POWER/HOLD Ind. "POWER" (on Insr. Panel)

I don't know reasons this situation. What to do? What to check up?Any help would be much appreciated.

Cortesy by Alexander (aka indy) I know:"... When any on-board diagnostics item is malfunctioning, the display on the POWER indicator light blinks from the time the malfunction is detected after starting the engine until the ignition switch is turned OFF. The malfunctioning part or unit can be determined by a DTC during on-board diagnostics operation. Problems which occurred previously can also be identified through the memory function...".

I will read* Diagnostic Trouble Codes (without Subaru Select Monitor) and fix problems.

*The POWER indicator light flashes the code corresponding to the faulty part. The long segment (1.2 sec on) indicates a “ten”, and the short segment (0.2 sec on) signifies a “one”.

List of Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) A/T

DTC No. / Item / Content of diagnosis

11 Engine speed signal. Detects open or shorted input signal circuit

23 Mass air flow signal (TURBO model). Detects open or shorted output signal circuit

27 ATF temperature sensor. Detects open or shorted input signal circuit

31 Throttle position sensor. Detects open or shorted input signal circuit

33 Front vehicle speed sensor. Detects open or shorted input signal circuit

36 Torque converter turbine speed sensor. Detects open or shorted input signal circuit

38 Torque control signal. Detects open or shorted input signal circuit

45 Intake manifold pressure signal (Non-TURBO model). Detects open or shorted input signal circuit

71 Shift solenoid 1. Detects open or shorted output signal circuit

72 Shift solenoid 2. Detects open or shorted output signal circuit

73 Low clutch timing solenoid. Detects open or shorted output signal circuit

74 2-4 brake timing solenoid. Detects open or shorted output signal circuit

75 Line pressure duty solenoid. Detects open or shorted output signal circuit

76 2-4 brake duty solenoid. Detects open or shorted output signal circuit


77 Lock-up duty solenoid. Detects open or shorted output signal circuit

78 SPORT shift solenoid. Detects open or shorted output signal circuit

79 Transfer duty solenoid. Detects open or shorted output signal circuit

86 VDC communication signal. Detects open or shorted input signal circuit

93 Rear vehicle speed sensor. Detects open or shorted input signal circuit