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Read Codes by Voltmeter

Считывание кодов самодиагностики производится  с помощью стрелочного вольтметра при подключении к контактам #4 (вывод "+" тестера) и #12 (вывод "-") диагностического разъема (Check Connector).



MRE Sensor Checker Project (new)


Code No.

Scan Tool display

Diagnosis item



Tone wheel

Check the tone wheels

Check for a defective tone wheel on a wheel



Left front solenoid

Short circuit to +12 volt for LF-solenoid



Left front solenoid

Open circuit or short circuit to GND for LF



Right front solenoid

Short circuit to +12 volt for the RF-solenoid

24 Sol.RF-OPEN Right front solenoid Open circuit or short circuit to GND for the RF-solenoid
25 Sol.LR-SHRT Left rear solenoid Short circuit to +12volt for the LF-solenoid
26 Sol.LR-OPEN Left rear solenoid …to GND…
27 Sol.RR-SHRT Right rear solenoid …to +12 volt…
28 Sol.RR-OPEN Right rear solenoid …to GND…
31 SNSR.LF-GAP Left front sensor Detection for the air gap of the tone wheel. This detection will be activated if all wheel speeds are zero and the ABS-function is not active
32 SNSR.RF-GAP Right front sensor       
33 SNSR.LR-GAP Left rear sensor       
34 SNSR.RR-GAP Right rear sensor        
35 Motor pump Motor pump Faulty or seized up motor pump
36 MP RLY-OPEN Motor relay circuit Open circuit or a short circuit to GND from the motor pump relay
37 MP RLY-SHRT Motor relay circuit Short circuit to +12 volt from the motor pump relay
38 MP BATT-SHRT Pump motor Short circuit at the motor pump
39 MP GND-SHRT Pump motor Short circuit to GND at the motor pump
41 FAIL RLY-SHRT File safe relay Fail safe relay contacts are short circuit
42 FAIL RLY-OPEN               
43 FAIL COIL Fail safe relay coil The current from the fail safe relay is too high or too low
44 ABS SRI-GND Service reminder  indic. Short circuit of the Service Reminder Indicator (permanently on)
45 ABS SRI-DIODE …diode Open circuit of the diode for the service reminder indicator ABS
54 ABS SRI-BATT     Short circuit to +12V of the service reminder indicator
55 ABS SRI-OPEN     Open circuit of the service reminder indicator
56 BATT.VOLT-LO Battery voltage Battery voltage out of the function range (Under voltage) for the system
57 BATT.VOLT-HI        …(Over voltage)
62 SNSR.LF-OPEN Left front sensor circuit Sensor open circuit or short to 12 Volt detection for the LF-wheel
63 SNSR.RF-OPEN Right front sensor circuit Sensor open circuit or short to 12 volt detection for the RF-wheel
64 SNSR.LR-OPEN Left rear sensor circuit Sensor open circuit or short to 12  volt detection for the LR-wheel
65 SNSR.RR-OPEN Right rear sensor circuit Sensor open circuit or short to 12 volt detection for the RR-wheel
66 SNSR.LF-SHRT Left front sensor circuit Sensor short to GND detection for the LF-wheel
67 SNSR.RF-SHRT Right front sensor circuit Sensor short to GND detection for the RF-wheel
68 SNSR.LR-SHRT Left rear sensor circuit …LR-wheel
69 SNSR.RR-SHRT Right rear sensor circuit Sensor short to GND detection for the RR-wheel
71 SNSR.LF-S.JMP Left front tone wheel Detection for missing teeth on the tone wheel or speed jumps over-100g on the LF-wheel
72 SNSR.RF-S.JMP Right… …on the right…
73 SNSR.LR-S.JMP Left rear tone wheel …on the LR-wheel
74 SNSR.RR-S.JMP Right rear tone wheel …on the RR-wheel
77 ABSCM-FAIL ABSCM ERROR Detection of a ABS CM (ABS Control module) error

Note: Not all trouble codes are used on all models.


For example, for DTC ABS 52 and 53:

DIAMANTE '96-'97 - "Motor Relay Circuit",

DIAMANTE '94 - "Valve Relay Failure" и "Low Voltage To Motor Relay",

ECLIPSE '97 и Galant '92 - "Motor Relay Or Motor",

MIRAGE - "Valve Relay No. 2 и Motor Relay No. 1"

CARISMA '98 - "Pump Motor"


1.Left front solenoid GND.

2.Right rear solenoid GND.

3.Left rear solenoid GND.

4.Right front solenoid GND.

5.Left front solenoid.

6.Right rear solenoid.

7.Left rear solenoid.

8.Right front solenoid.

Resistance Front Wheel Speed Sensors - 1275-1495 Ohm, 

Rear - 1260...1540 Ohm.

Допустимый воздушный зазор (air gap) между датчиком и зубчатым колесом: 0,2…1,1 mm.

Дополнительные материалы о системе ABS опубликованы.

Примечание2. Mitsubishi, в зависимости от года выпуска, модели, примененной системы самодиагностики и т.п. использует различные коды неисправностей.
Например, Carisma 1996-97

11 - Правый передний датчик скорости – обрыв цепи

12 - Левый передний датчик скорости -  обрыв цепи


но нет кода с номером 32.

Diamante Sedan 1999 codes ABS with Traction Control System:
DTC 11 - APS Circuit System
DTC 12 - APS or TPS Circuit System...
DTC 23 - Stop Lamp Switch Circuit System...
DTC 32-Front Left Wheel Speed Sensor System...

Diamante Sedan 1999 codes ABS without Traction Control System:

DTC 11-Wheel Speed Sensor Open Circuit

DTC 12-Wheel Speed Sensor Open Circuit...

DTC 23 - Wheel Speed Sensor Short Circuit...

но нет кода 32...

Примечание3. Обращаю Ваше внимание, что на сайтах некоторых уродов находятся несанкционированные "копии" этих и других материалов, содержащих фактические ошибки и наносящие ощутимый ущерб автовладельцам! 





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